10 July 2014

What's in my bag?

I've had a couple of questions about what I keep in all these little pouches so I thought this was the easiest way to share. 

Turquoise Tool Kit (bottom left): pens/pencils

Black/white/yellow Vera Bradley (top left middle): sunglasses 

Khaki/red geometric (top right): vintage wooden game pieces that I use to keep track of the boys' behavior while we're out and about 

Olive and black small Chilewich (middle): one for each boy's behavior chips

Orange pinked West Elm (bottom middle): Masala Chai tea bags

Black pinked West Elm (bottom middle): bandages and sometimes sunblock 

B&W composition book (top right): wallet

Black/khaki linen tartan (top right): hand sanitizer, lotion, nail clipper, business card holder, face powder, mascara, lip gloss

And THAT, my friends, is why I rarely carry a small bag!

01 July 2014

My Month In Numbers

Julie Kirk of Notes on Paper has inspired me to (among other things) document "My Month In Numbers". Check out her June numbers here: http://notesonpaper.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/my-month-in-numbers-2014-june.html?m=1.

These are my stats for June:

20   rainy days (I'm the only one who's thrilled about this!)

7   industrial-strength shelves we bought & assembled for the bomb-shelter storage room 

18  Sterilite totes (finally the white lids are back!) we bought for said storage room 

102  Instagram posts

9 + 3   items purchased at Elkhorn Flea Market for myself & for others, respectively 

19 + 28   dollars paid for said items

12 + 17   total of so-called "bloody owies" sustained by Ezra and Nehemiah, respectively 

6     nights I survived as a single parent while Harry was in CA

23   episodes of The Good Wife I watched while he was gone

2     Peas in a Bucket, which will cease to exist as of July 10. SO SAD. 

Can't believe I've resisted this project for so long! It's been a fun way of categorizing my memories and I will definitely be doing this regularly. I didn't decide to participate in June's MMiN until the first of July, so I wasn't thinking numbers throughout the month. I can already tell that I'll have a lot more data-laced memories to sift through for July.